
A list of my recent works, for the full list including many-author publications see my Google Scholar profile

google_scholar_metrics = {
  "citations": 1981,
  "h-index": 18,
  "i10-index": 24,


  1. Deep Learning Approaches to Building Rooftop Thermal Bridge Detection from Aerial Images
    Zoe Mayer, James Kahn, Yu Hou, and 3 more authors
    Automation in Construction Feb 2023


  1. Accelerating Neural Network Training with Distributed Asynchronous and Selective Optimization (DASO)
    Daniel Coquelin, Charlotte Debus, Markus Götz, and 4 more authors
    Journal of Big Data Dec 2022
  2. Punzi-Loss: - a Non-Differentiable Metric Approximation for Sensitivity Optimisation in the Search for New Particles
    F. Abudinén, M. Bertemes, S. Bilokin, and 43 more authors
    The European Physical Journal C Feb 2022
  3. Hyperspectral (RGB + Thermal) Drone Images of Karlsruhe, Germany - Raw Images for the Thermal Bridges on Building Rooftops (TBBR) Dataset
    James Kahn, Zoe Mayer, Yu Hou, and 3 more authors
    Nov 2022
  4. Learning Tree Structures from Leaves for Particle Decay Reconstruction
    James Kahn, Ilias Tsaklidis, Oskar Taubert, and 8 more authors
    Machine Learning: Science and Technology Sep 2022
  5. Lowest Common Ancestor Generations (LCAG) Phasespace Particle Decay Reconstruction Dataset
    James Kahn, Oskar Taubert, Ilias Tsaklidis, and 8 more authors
    Aug 2022
  6. Thermal Bridges on Building Rooftops - Hyperspectral (RGB + Thermal + Height) Drone Images of Karlsruhe, Germany, with Thermal Bridge Annotations
    Zoe Mayer, James Kahn, Yu Hou, and 4 more authors
    Aug 2022


  1. arXiv
    Accelerated Computation of a High Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov Distance
    Alex Hagen, Shane Jackson, James Kahn, and 4 more authors
    arXiv:2106.13706 [cs, stat] Jun 2021
  2. EG-ICE
    AI-based thermal bridge detection of building rooftops on district scale using aerial images
    Zoe Mayer, James Kahn, Yu Hou, and 1 more author
    In EG-ICE 2021 Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Ed.: Jimmy Abualdenien, André Borrmann, Lucian-Constantin Ungureanu, Timo Hartmann Jun 2021